Saturday, August 22, 2009

Move in Day 2!

Well our big Move-in Weekend is winding down and coming to an end. Our office will be open tomorrow to accommodate anyone who needs to move-in on a Sunday.

We welcomed 60 more residents to the community (we're anticipating a lot more this week as well), and are excited to have them all in our community.

We had another BBQ and hypnotist show. The turnout was great, the residents were wonderful, and we all shared a great night of laughs.

Here are some pictures of some of our amazing residents:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Move-In Day #1

The long awaited day has arrived. We successfully moved in 240 of our new residents today! What an exciting day it was. Students were able to interact with representatives from UVU Athletics, local church organizations, and COSTCO was kind enough to supply all the water for our day. Most importantly, residents were able to meet and interact with family, friends and new neighbors. For many, this will be the first time living away from home. What a great way to start this wonderful time of growth.

We'd like to welcome every one of our new friends to Wolverine Crossing. We are so excited to have you join our community, and want you to know that much lies ahead for you! We have a staff here that is dedicated to helping you succeed and make the best of your university experience. Thank you for making Wolverine Crossing your home!

Now that they've moved in, many of the residents are taking time to make their four walls a new home!

The day was full of excited and anxious residents and parents, employees working hard, smiles and laughter, and was capped off by a fun and entertaining BBQ (we even had a hypnotist out tonight)!

Here are some fun pictures from the day...

Thank you again to all our residents, both old and new; you're what makes Wolverine Crossing the best Student Living Community in Utah Valley.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wolverine Crossing's first "Dive-in" Movie

To finish up our summer contract season, the Wolverine Crossing Community Ambassadors put on a "dive-in" movie at the pool. Get it? "Dive-in Movie" like a "Drive-in Movie"? Anyways, we thought is was pretty witty.

We rented a huge blow up projection screen and sound system to set up by our east pool. The movie (JAWS) started at about 9:30, and was preceded by hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. Here are some pictures from the event.

Thanks to those who planned the event and to those who attended. We've tentatively got another movie night planned for later this month or early next so stay tuned for an announcement on the date.