Ca Spotlight #12
Guess Who!?!?!?
I am from St. George, UT
My birthday is April 21, 1992
My major is Photography
I have one dog. Her name is Zoey and I love her!
My favorite foods consist of: Cafe Rio, Cheesecake Factory, Noodles & Co
I have one brother and one sister
I really like baseball and basketball
I saw Ty Burrell on Modern Family, the guy who plays Phil Dunfey at Disneyland
My hobbies include: dancing, baking, riding bikes, and napping!
My motto is: Sometimes I think I should do crystal meth and then I think mmmm.. Better not
My mom has had the most influence in my life
In five years I will hopefully be done with school and making money!
The cartoon character that best describes me is "Vanellope Von Schweetz" From Wreck it Ralph
If I could live anywhere I would live in Italy
If I had a super power it would be: reading peoples minds, knowing what other people are thinking might be interesting too.
I chose my major because I love taking pictures.
I would like to meet my future self, that'd be interesting
Something unique about me: I can make a bunch of weird random noises
My life 'theme' song is Katy Perry--Firework
I love being involved with planning stuff and making lots of new friends
I love our big community activities. The finals breakfast we do should be WAY FUN !
I want to make the last part of this year awesome with programming!
I want to leave an impression that: I'm the coolest CA EVER!! Nah, jk that residents can come to me for help with anything.
I am going to give residents the chance to get involved and plan awesome community activities!

We love love love you Niko! Thank for being an incredible CA and we are so excited to have you again for another year!!