Moving out of your parent’s home for the first time is an exciting experience. College students have to learn to support themselves after eighteen or nineteen years of pick-me-up from mom and dad. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, getting your homework done, making it to soccer practice on time, among many other things are no longer mama or papa’s job. The responsibility rests on the shoulders of a naive bunch of overgrown kids. BUT! Let’s look on the bright side of college independence for a minute.
When I was about seven years old my best friend and I would spend the nights playing in the street and hiding from the call for bedtime. I recall a particular night when we were traipsing up and down the street causing all sorts of mischief (well as much as any seven-year-old little girls could) when my dear friend realized she was in need of a restroom. It was dark outside, and probably far beyond the time that our parents would normally summoned us to our respective homes. We both became concerned about the fun coming to an end, and decided that the best way to avoid be called to bed would be to find an alternative place for my friend to relieve herself. Neither of our houses was safe at that hour. We continued to attend to our business, until the kidneys of my close friend were on the verge of explosion. We had to think fast and, being the geniuses that we were, we decided the best place for her to go would be behind a tree somewhere. Unfortunately we didn’t make it to a tree in the back yard, like we planned…actually; we didn’t make it behind a tree at all. I guess she couldn’t take it anymore, and I wasn’t about to blow our cover by letting her into my house, so in the middle of my front lawn, my friend took a pee. Our night was saved and we continued to have a fulfilling thirty minutes of play time beyond that.
Living independently presents a solution to the problem that I faced many years ago. I no longer need to finish my broccoli unless I want to. I no longer have to make my bed every morning. I no longer have to fear having my friends sent home by my parents. My friends and I can continue to have midnight adventures without the stress of knowing that a bathroom may not be available for use. My toilet is open all night, but just as a reminder…you’re still responsible for the grocery shopping. BUY TOILET PAPER.
Best way to have a successful school year!!
Who wants to go to college, get good grades, and have a great social experience!? If you’re like me, then these are some goals you have in mind for this academic school year! I am going to share with you, some things that have helped me in the past to reach these goals!!
First make sure you have a set schedule and know what you have going on at all times! Some people make “to-do lists”, some use their phone calendars, and others use a planner. Whatever way suits you best, go for it!
How to make the day most productive and enjoyable with a low stress level is after school, go straight to the library and get your homework done. If you set a couple hours aside just for this, you will find that you won’t get behind and you will see better grades! If you are working a job that won’t allow you to stay at the school for a couple extra hours, move those hours to after work. Once your school work is done, and other high priorities are taken care of, the night is basically yours!! Go out and meet new people!
Stay involved in all school activities and events held at Wolverine Crossing! The more people you meet, and more activities you attend, the more positive social life you will have!
Here are a couple more tips for better academic success!
I hope that these tips will help you have a successful 2010-2011 school year!!
Written by Bridgett Wilkinson, Community Ambassador
Do you know everything you need to know about getting started at UVU? Its ok, I don’t think anyone does… However, UVU has made it possible for you to be ready for your first day (well as ready as you can be).
Jumpstart is the new student orientation at UVU. All incoming freshman OR transfer students are highly encouraged to get involved with Jumpstart. Students and parents can expect to learn everything they will need to know to be successful at UVU. You will even get a campus tour lead by a fellow UVU student. The best part, however, they feed you lunch, not just any lunch, Jay Dogs lunch!
SO if you haven’t already gone to Jumpstart here’s the remaining dates:
· July 29th at 9 am
· August 5th at 9 am
· August 7th at 9 am
· August 11th at 10 am
· August 17th at 9 am
· August 19th at 5 pm
· August 23rd at 9 am
· August 24th at 9 am
Jumpstart is a free service for all incoming students AND their parents. To register or find out more information about jumpstart click here. It’s for a sure one of those college experiences you do not want to pass up.
Here you will here dating advice from Dr. Love!
Dating! What can we say about dating? There has been volumes of books and literature written about dating? But truly does anyone truly understand the rules, signs, gestures of how the dating world is in this present time? Today I would like to start at the beginning with sharing with you some simple pointers about going on a "First Date" .
When you hear the words "First date" what comes into your mind? Does your heart start bounding and sweat droplets begin to accumulate on your forehead and hands? Does your mind go through your closet and then your dresser trying to find the right thing to wear, so you can "Dress to impress?" Are you thinking about what to say? What to ask? What to do? Well lets start answering some answers by going over some simple pointers with you of "Things not to do on a first date" :
1. Don't be late!
2. Don't allow your eyes to wander?
3. Don't text/talk on your cell phone!
4. Don't talk about yourself too much!
5. Don't mention your last boyfriend/girlfriend 1000 times during the night!
If you can follow these five simple rules, and focus on your date, and have good communication and make the night about getting to know each other, it will turn out to be an enjoyable one. Now I want to make clear to all of you reading this that I have not said you have found the "One" but you have started to build something with the one you are on a date with and maybe in the end it might blossom into something great!!!
Dr. Love
This post was written by one of our wonderful Community Ambassador, who wishes to remain anonymous.