Being away from college can be a great experience until you look in your cupboard and realize that you don't know what to cook. You have all sorts of ingredients but don't know what to do with them all. I have a really simple recipe to solve your problem and cure you of hunger pains for a good while. It's a simple but tasty recipe. I don't have an official name for it but if i did then it might be BBQ Sweet and Sour Chicken :-) Here's the ingredients you'll need:
Chicken (as much as you want to eat)
1 18oz bottle bbq sauce
1 can of pineapple chunks
1 can of olives
1 green bell pepper.
*Pre-Heat oven to 375F
Step 1: Take however much chicken you want to use and cut it into cubes and brown it in a pan with a layer of cooking oil
Step 2: After the chicken is browned you take an 18 ounce bottle of barbeque sauce and pour it in the pan. You can use the juice from the pineapple to rinse out the bbq sauce from the bottle.
Step 3: Then add the remaining ingredients into a large pot that you can stick into the oven.(If you don't have one you can stick in the oven you can cook it on the stove top).
Step 4: Cook for about 30-45 min After eating such a delicious meal you'll be ready to conquer your homework!
Written by Jenner Black, Community Ambassador
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