Thursday, September 8, 2011


One of our many fabulous facilities we have here at Wolverine Crossing is our gym!! YAY! We are fortunate to have such a nice and open gym, with great equipment. Health is really important and keeping our bodies healthy and strong is something that will follow us for the rest of our lives, as well as keeping our minds sharp as we tackle this thing called College. Freshman 15 is VERY common but you can keep that “high school bod” with a few simple exercises and habits while in college, regardless if you are a “Freshman” these can be very beneficial to you!!
5 Exercises you can do in OUR gym that are very valuable:

1. Elliptical machines: Cardio is very important for our heart, keeps us going strong and is also a great way to shed a few extra pounds. Also with the handle option it gives your arms a chance to do some work when your legs get a little on the tired side, naturally helps to tone and strengthen your arms.

2. Dumbell Curls: Start with your elbows to your sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm. Continue to alternate between sides. Dumbell curls focus on your biceps mostly, also muscles in your forearms. Great exercise for guys and girls! GIRLS: DON’T BE AFRAID TO USE SOME HEAVY WEIGHT, PUSH YOUR SELF YOU WON’T “BULK UP!”

3. Lat Pull Downs: Grasp cable bar with wide grip. Sit with thighs under supports. Pull down cable bar to upper chest. Return until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat. NEVER PULL DOWN BEHIND YOUR HEAD, INJURY MAY OCCUR. This exercise focuses on your Latissimus dorsi which is the largest muscle in your back.

4. Seated Shoulder Press: Position dumbbells to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists. Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to sides of shoulders and repeat. Your shoulder muscles which are called your Deltoids are the main focus of this exercise.

5. Russian Twist. This exercise is great for your abdominals. Which having a strong torso will always keep you on top, it’s the most important for any sport to have toned and tight. You can hold a dumbbell when doing this exercise to add resistance. Make sure you are rotating your torso when moving not moving your arms only.

Now you have it! A great work out that you can do in our great gym! There are MANY, MANY more exercises that our gym offers to help keep us all in shape, if you ever have questions or want help with anything in the gym let me know! I would be more than willing to help you become comfortable in the gym and help you meet your fitness goals whatever level you may be at!

Happy Exercising!!!


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