Dares or Challenges:
The saltine cracker challenge or simply the "saltine challenge" is a competition in which a person has 60 seconds to eat 6 saltines (also known as soda crackers), without drinking anything; all the crumbs must be eaten too. Although the challenge sounds easy, it is actually very difficult, because the crackers quickly exhaust the saliva in one's mouth. Even though six saltines can fit in one's mouth all at the same time, and a minute is plenty of time to chew, the resulting mess of crumbs resists swallowing. One is not allowed to use any external liquid to aid in mastication.
Milk chugging, or gallon challenge, is the process of consuming a large amount of milk within a set period of time. Although there are variations in procedure, many adherents follow to the mostly general parameters; a person is given 60 minutes to drink a full gallon of milk without vomiting.
The Cinnamon Challenge is a prank in which one person dares another to swallow, without the aid of water, a spoonful of ground cinnamon within sixty seconds. The spice dries the challenge taker's mouth and is almost impossible to swallow. Some accidentally inhale the cinnamon which causes temporary but severe chest pain, much to the amusement of the challenger.
-Wear pants on your head for 20 minutes
-Suck your toe for 10 seconds
-jump in the swimming pool in the middle of the night fully clothed
-Put ice down your pants
-Run around outside barefoot in the snow
-shove as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible
Be creative and make up your own.
WAYYYYYYYY funny stuff.
How to come up with YOUR ultimate Rap-star Name…
Your childhood animals first name + the name of the street you live on
179 Ways to Annoy Peoplehttp://patorjk.com/misc/chainletters/179waystoannoypeople.htm