A month-long fight for your life!
Every man for himself. Who will survive? Will YOU be the last one standing?
Ask your CA how to sign up by October 16th.
How the Game Works:
-The game will go from MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th to NOVEMBER 17th. You have ONE MONTH!
-All players (assassins) will receive an email with the name of another assassin.
-Your mission is to assassinate your assigned victim.
-If you are killed, you are out of the game. Your killer will then receive the name of the person you were hunting and attempt to assassinate him/her before being assassinated.
Example: Bob, Suzy and Fred all submit their names to participate in the game. Bob is assigned to kill Suzy, and Suzy is assigned to kill Fred etc. Bob finds Suzy reading a textbook in the library. Bob pulls out a can of silly string, covering Suzy and declares, “you’re dead.” Suzy then surrenders Fred’s name to Bob. Bob’s new mission is to assassinate Fred. The killing frenzy continues until there is one assassin left standing.
-Three fabulous gifts and prizes will be awarded. The first prize goes to the last assassin standing. The second to the assassin with the most kills and the final prize goes to the assassin with the most creative kill.
Beware; sooner or later you will receive
the name of an ally as your target. Trust no one.
What if your target doesn't have a Facebook?