Monday, October 31, 2011

Welcome to the Romney Campaign

We would like to welcome a new tenant to Wolverine Crossing- The Romney For President Campaign! Located on the first floor of Building C, the campaign office will be involved in the inner workings of the Mitt Romney campaign, helping with research, polling and contacting potential voters.

They have both internship and volunteer opportunities specifically for Wolverine Crossing residents! Contact Chris Carter at or swing by their office to get more details.

Getting experience with a presidential campaign can be a great resume builder, so we recommend you check it out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fun or entertaining things to do when your board….or is it bored?

Dares or Challenges:
The saltine cracker challenge or simply the "saltine challenge" is a competition in which a person has 60 seconds to eat 6 saltines (also known as soda crackers), without drinking anything; all the crumbs must be eaten too. Although the challenge sounds easy, it is actually very difficult, because the crackers quickly exhaust the saliva in one's mouth. Even though six saltines can fit in one's mouth all at the same time, and a minute is plenty of time to chew, the resulting mess of crumbs resists swallowing. One is not allowed to use any external liquid to aid in mastication.
Milk chugging, or gallon challenge, is the process of consuming a large amount of milk within a set period of time. Although there are variations in procedure, many adherents follow to the mostly general parameters; a person is given 60 minutes to drink a full gallon of milk without vomiting.

The Cinnamon Challenge is a prank in which one person dares another to swallow, without the aid of water, a spoonful of ground cinnamon within sixty seconds. The spice dries the challenge taker's mouth and is almost impossible to swallow. Some accidentally inhale the cinnamon which causes temporary but severe chest pain, much to the amusement of the challenger.

-Wear pants on your head for 20 minutes
-Suck your toe for 10 seconds
-jump in the swimming pool in the middle of the night fully clothed
-Put ice down your pants
-Run around outside barefoot in the snow
-shove as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible

Be creative and make up your own.

WAYYYYYYYY funny stuff.

How to come up with YOUR ultimate Rap-star Name…
Your childhood animals first name + the name of the street you live on

179 Ways to Annoy People


Saturday, October 15, 2011


A month-long fight for your life!
Every man for himself. Who will survive? Will YOU be the last one standing?
Ask your CA how to sign up by October 16th.

How the Game Works:
-The game will go from MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th to NOVEMBER 17th. You have ONE MONTH!
-All players (assassins) will receive an email with the name of another assassin.
-Your mission is to assassinate your assigned victim.
-If you are killed, you are out of the game. Your killer will then receive the name of the person you were hunting and attempt to assassinate him/her before being assassinated.

Example: Bob, Suzy and Fred all submit their names to participate in the game. Bob is assigned to kill Suzy, and Suzy is assigned to kill Fred etc. Bob finds Suzy reading a textbook in the library. Bob pulls out a can of silly string, covering Suzy and declares, “you’re dead.” Suzy then surrenders Fred’s name to Bob. Bob’s new mission is to assassinate Fred. The killing frenzy continues until there is one assassin left standing.

-Three fabulous gifts and prizes will be awarded. The first prize goes to the last assassin standing. The second to the assassin with the most kills and the final prize goes to the assassin with the most creative kill.

Beware; sooner or later you will receive
the name of an ally as your target. Trust no one.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ways To Make New Friends:

1) Listen and Ask Questions: People like to know that they are being heard. By making a conscious effort to show you’re intrigued by what they are saying, it will show that you’re genuinely interested in being their friend.

2) Give a Compliment: Even if no one likes to admit it, everyone loves a little ego boost! It doesn’t need to be a HUGE compliment, it can even be as small and saying “Hey, I like that shirt you’re wearing!” The key is to simply be genuine!

3) Ease up on the Texting: You’re less likely to meet new people if you are constantly texting. Take a few minutes to put your cell phone down and notice the people around you! When you’re texting it gives others the impression that you’re unavailable, so give everyone a chance to get to know you!

4) Get involved: You can always meet new people in new settings! Be involved! Go out and participate in social activities through the school or here at Wolverine Crossing! There is always someone new to meet!

5) Take Out Those Darn Headphones: ‘Nuff said, right? You won’t meet nearly as many people as you can if you are always listening to music as you walk down the hallways at school or at your apartment. You close yourself off to those around you if you have your headphones in. So give everyone a chance to know you and take those darn things out!

6) Workin Hard Or Hardly Workin: Getting a job is always a good way to make new friends! It will help you make new friends in a setting where everyone has the same hardworking goals! Whether you have a job working in your favorite clothing store, making pizza, or cleaning floors and toilets you’ll have something to complain/ not complain about and bond over with others!

7) HAHAHAHA: Laughing shows that you have a good sense of humor and who doesn’t love a new friend with a sense of humor!

8) CHEESE! : Don’t forget to smile! Flash those pearly whites!!! :D
